Psychological Counseling &

Coaching in Berlin and online

I offer my individual psychological counseling and coaching in Berlin and online. For me it is essential to treat my clients with a benevolent and appreciative attitude, whilst creating a framework in which they can feel open and comfortable. It is important to me that my clients feel safe and seen. To support them in reconnecting with themselves. So that they are able to reach their personal goals.

Costs for individual support or group coaching

As a self-employed psychologist and mindfulness trainer, I calculate my costs on a private self-payer basis. Unfortunately, it is not possible to bill the health insurance companies. 

A live on-site session of 60 minutes for an individual session costs 80 euros.

  • An online session for individuals costs 70 euros.
  • A 90 minutes group coaching live or online costs from 45 euro per person.

“When Imada enters the room with her clear but light presence, I immediately feel seen, yes, fully perceived. This allows peace and security to spread and makes it possible to open up to even the most unusual and difficult emotions. Imada can deal with it spontaneously with great intellectual and emotional clarity, based on her well-founded psychological studies and personal life experience. My thoughts and feelings are not alien to her. She is able to steer through the most confusing and threatening sensations without me feeling steered. And in this process always opening up new spaces, to make problems understandable and inner freedom perceptible. Working with Imada makes my difficult life situation much more bearable.” (M. Gschwendtner)

“During the process guidance for my scientific research project, imada provided me with benevolent and flexible support for all questions that arose. These ranged from trauma-sensitive interviewing to how to deal with the challenging research topic(sexualized violence). A particularly helpful resource was also the professional knowledge of empathic resonance and co-regulation of the nervous system as well as a systemic understanding of shame in the context of the project. Having such a space to reflect on power relations in participatory contexts and to find concrete strategies for expanding my scope of action and counteracting the reproduction of discriminatory structures was very supportive in my work and helped me to follow my own integrity.” (L. Bilgic)

Green leaves

How we work together

Ich stelle mich flexibel auf ihre Anliegen ein und folge Ihren Themen und Bedürfnissen. In unserer Zusammenarbeit stelle ich Ihnen gerne ein vielfältiges Repertoire an Übungen und Ressourcen zur Verfügung. Ich mache Ihnen Vorschläge, wie wir unsere Sitzungen gestalten können. Sie entscheiden und wir gestalten den Prozess gemeinsam. Viele psychologische Ansätze begegnen Menschen losgelöst von ihrem Umfeld und gesellschaftlichen Kontexten.

Sie werden von mir als Expert:in für die eigenen Erfahrungen angesehen.

Mindfulness and Compassion as resources

Cultivating mindfulness and self-compassion can have a transformative and integrative effect and promote resilience.
When we learn to be in touch with challenging feelings instead of pushing them away, we can usually also experience pleasant and joyful feelings more intensely again. Embodied and sustainable change processes can be set in motion and new possibilities for action can be discovered. Many people talk about self-love these days, but it usually remains abstract. How exactly can my relationship with myself become friendlier and more supportive? And why is that even important? I have experienced that my clients have become more unconditional and consistent in their self-support through their Self-Compassion practice and have thus also been able to face obstacles and challenges in their environment more effectively.

Coaching for Changemakers

I specialize in supporting people who are striving for social change and social and environmental justice, in their own way, in their own sphere of influence. When we try to change the status quo, we can feel like swimming against the stream. We encounter many systemic hurdles and there is an increased risk of burnout (activist burnout, among others). This is precisely why understanding and building up internal and external resources is particularly important for our health. In my experience of leading workshops, training sessions and an multidisciplinary working group, specific resources and systemic knowledge have proven to be particularly helpful. Practicing Self-Compassion, Mindfulness and Shame Resilience can also have a liberating and empowering effect in this context. Through my own scientific research, I can offer particularly practice-relevant resources for changemakers. 


☎ +49 (0)157-52836489